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Exhibitor Detail

Japan Underwater Drone Association

Booth Number AA-8
Head Office Address 〒111-0005
1-20-1, Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo, 5th Floor
Products / Services detail OceanBiz2024 in SHIZUOKA
Announcement of our upcoming event focused on underwater drones, the first comprehensive event of its kind in Japan.

Certified Training School for 'Underwater Drone Safety Pilot'
Learn safe operation techniques with our certified training school. Enrollment details and process will be explained.

Consultation on Underwater Drone Utilization
Get advice on the usage and integration of underwater drones into your operations, with real-world examples.

JUDA Activities and Membership Recruitment
Learn about our activities, goals, and how to become a member.
Product Document OceanBiz2024チラシ.pdf

Contact Us

Japan Drone Secretariat Office

Phone: +81-3-3512-5672


Vistor and Others:

Contact Us

Japan Drone Secretariat Office

Phone: +81-3-3510-3733


Vistor and Others: