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Exhibitor Detail

Intent Exchange, Inc.

Booth Number BE-25
Head Office Address 〒113-0023
2-3-10 Mukogaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Products / Services detail We will be exhibiting a demonstration on our Digital Ground Risk Assessment Service.
This service visualizes the degree of ground risk in flight paths and surrounding airspace to assist in the design of safe flight paths and the planning of security measures under flight paths.

This service is based on JARUS SORA, a guideline for ground risk assessment. Existing guidelines are manual assessments, which are burdensome for drone operators. This service digitizes this process and enables simple and precise ground risk assessment.

An alpha release is planned for the end of FY2024.

Contact Us

Japan Drone Secretariat Office

Phone: +81-3-3512-5672


Vistor and Others:

Contact Us

Japan Drone Secretariat Office

Phone: +81-3-3510-3733


Vistor and Others: