Park Kwan Min
Korea Drone Association President
President of Korea Drone Association
Drones are leading big changes in our lifestyle. And these changes will come in the near future when we all can share the changes together. How the drones can alter radically our lifestyle? The biggest characteristic of drone would be the ‘expansion of space’. This means with drone, we can accomplish those tasks that humans can’t make due to the limited space and safety issue. It is already happening in our life such as transportation, broadcasting, agriculture, supply of internet and even leisure area. Drones are currently conducting only simple tasks, but the potential would be endless when considering the development through the integration with various top-notch technologies. Drones are already being widely used in various filming areas including TV programs and movies. Also, development of drones utilizable in various industrial settings including agricultural setting, air-sea rescue, and construction is under progress. The drone industry in South Korea is currently driven by the defense industry companies like the situation in the United States. However, huge progress is expected as the government and companies are participating in the development of drones which will be utilized in various industrial sectors. Then how will the development of future drones be in the future? In fact, the directions for the development of drone is infinite, and the applicable field are endless. Therefore, there is no certain answer for that question. We will face the age of ‘1 person and 1 drone’ in near future and drone will be utilized like how we use the smart phones nowadays. The utilization of drones will expand exponentially if the drones combine various added functions with top-notch technologies that may conduct various tasks. We should think deeply about the possible utilization of drones and consider that the drone is an important tool that expands the boundary of our activities and the drone is an important tool which will change our lifestyle.