Nate Purdy
Senior FAA Representative, FAA Tokyo, U.S. Embassy, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Regulatory Perspective on UAS Integration in the U.S.
Nate Purdy comes to the Office of International Affairs from the Air Traffic Organization where he has worked as an Air Traffic Controller and Front Line Manager at the Salt Lake City Air Route Traffic Control Center since 2005. As a Front Line Manager, Nate was nominated to facilitate national training of managers in the Operations Supervisor Workshop. Nate was also detailed as the Executive Officer Assistant at Salt Lake City ARTCC where he gained a detailed perspective of operational facility administration.
In September of 2011, Nate was selected as a fellow with the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation. As a Mansfield Fellow, he received ten months of intensive Japanese language training and area studies at the Foreign Service Institute. His fellowship also included an in-depth study of the Japanese air traffic system and labor relations. Nate was posted in several Japanese government organizations and Japanese corporate organizations including the Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau, the Electronic Navigation Research Institute, the National Diet, All Nippon Airways, and others.
Also as a Mansfield Fellow, Nate previously presented on various Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) topics, such as emerging U.S. policy, the UAS Certificate of Authorization process, and UAS legislative issues in Japan, at the National Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies in Tokyo.
Nate speaks Japanese and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from Brigham Young University and a Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will give a regulatory update on UAS integration in the United States, including types of operations, airspace and integration challenges, and ongoing initiatives. We will touch on how the FAA is working with industry and academia to advance safe integration, and what steps are being taken to educateUAS operators on their responsibilities as pilots.